The resonance analysis

Systematically measure and develop relationship quality

Your tool for systematic team development

The resonance analysis measures the necessary conditions for resonance in teams and organizations:

Relationship quality
Psychological safety
Ambiguity tolerance

In addition, the Employee Net Promoter Score is measured.

Make team development issues visible

Our anonymous online survey provides you with timely and relevant insights into the relationship quality of your teams. The analysis identifies topics that the teams can work on to systematically develop resonance as a decisive success factor.

Improve team culture in a targeted manner

Based on the results, the team can derive concrete measures to improve the quality of relationships. Step by step, this improves the collaboration culture and the employee experience in your teams.


This is how the resonance analysis works


Link to the resonance analysis is sent to the team

The online questionnaire takes 5-10 minutes to complete and can be done in German or English.


Anonymous and aggregated analysis

The answers are only evaluated anonymously and aggregated; conclusions about individual participants are not possible. Because only the team result counts!


Prompt delivery of results

A few days after completing the survey, the team receives a detailed results report with analyses and graphs.


Presentation of results

On request, we will present the results to the team lead or team and will be available to answer any questions you may have.


Open exchange for targeted team development

The team now has a solid basis for agreeing on concrete measures to improve the team culture.


One-time analysis
per run per team*
3 analyses per year
€4,500/for 3 runs per team*
Multiple teams
Package prices for multiple teams upon request

* up to 20 team members, also suitable for project teams or several specialist teams at one interface (e.g. IT business)

Proven effectiveness

Regular work with the results of the resonance analysis shows proven positive results:

of the teams were able to significantly improve the quality of their relationships by working with the results of the resonance analysis.
of the teams saw an increase in the Employee Net Promoter Score — the most important indicator for measuring employee acquisition and retention.


Here you can find answers to frequently asked questions about the Resonance Analysis.

Why is it important to measure resonance?

Resonance within an organization is decisive for the long-term success of the teams and the motivation of employees. However, many companies do not know the quality of relationships within their teams. They neglect the systematic development of these important success factors.

Is it even possible to measure 'soft factors' such as relationship quality and what are the benefits of this?

The subjective assessment of all team members is measurable. It is not just the number that is important, but rather the open dialogue about the results. By transparently presenting areas of development, targeted measures can be taken to improve team performance.

How can teams use the results of the resonance analysis?

It is recommended to use the results of the resonance analysis for continuous, agile team development. This includes regular discussions of the results in monthly team development dialogues or retrospectives, in which joint changes in team culture are agreed and implemented. Through timely monitoring, the effectiveness of the measures can be regularly reviewed and appropriate adjustments can be made.

How often should the resonance analysis be performed?

We recommend carrying out the resonance analysis 3 - 4 times a year in order to identify and address developments in the team promptly.

Can the resonance analysis measure cultural change?

The resonance analysis collects important key figures on team performance and corporate culture development. The resonance analysis thus makes it possible to evaluate the success and effectiveness of measures for cultural change over time. It is therefore also suitable for continuous monitoring of transformation success.

How methodologically sound is resonance analysis?

Our resonance analysis was developed on the basis of cutting-edge approaches in behavioral psychology and social research. It has been statistically validated and extensively tested in practice, with almost a thousand employees in around a hundred teams, from board of directors to operational teams.

What is the effectiveness experience?

Our evaluations show that team resonance and relationship quality could be significantly improved after only a few months of continuous work with the results of the resonance analysis. Negative factors such as distrust, hostility, stress, envy and resentment have declined significantly, while positive aspects such as a sense of community, trust, enthusiasm, joy, ease and shared values as well as collegiality have increased. Significant improvements were also found in psychological safety, ambiguity tolerance, eNPS, purpose, and self-efficacy.

What is the difference from other employee surveys?

The resonance analysis requires little organizational and time resources and can therefore be carried out more frequently than annual employee surveys or employee feedback. The results are available immediately after completion and provide practical insights into employee satisfaction in a timely manner in order to derive concrete measures. It is also suitable for continuous monitoring of organizational developments.

Any more questions?

Please contact us for more information.

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