What is resonance?

Resonance refers to the reciprocal quality of relationships between people in an organization and between an organization and its employees, partners or customers.

Resonance means
‍that people
  • work together in deep trust and mutual appreciation,
  • can actively contribute ideas and activities at any time,
  • feel safe to express their opinion and address critical issues,
  • are committed to a strong common intention,
  • can deal with uncertainties and ambiguities.

The result is an organization in which all talents and abilities are optimally used to achieve the common goal and in which the collective intelligence and innovative capacity are fully utilized.

The psychological
conditions for
Relationship quality

Sincere interest in each other, deep trust, mutual appreciation and joy of  joint achievements.

Impact on the team:

  • Increased collegiality and helpfulness
  • Shared responsibility and high team performance
  • Constructive handling of conflicts & difficult situations
Psychological safety

Security that everyone can contribute their point of view and address critical issues or mistakes openly.

Impact on the team:

  • Positive feedback and failure culture
  • Using mistakes as a source of learning
  • Strengthening creativity and innovative capacity

Everyone feels valued with their competencies and abilities and has enough creative leeway to get involved.

Impact on the team:

  • Active involvement in shaping change
  • Strengthening self-confidence and self-responsibility
  • More motivation and initiative

The mandate of the entire organization and the concrete contribution of one's own team are experienced as motivating and meaningful.

Impact on the team:

  • Motivation and inspiration through a joint mission
  • Taking responsibility for the big picture
  • Retain and attract motivated employees
Ambiguity tolerance

Ability to accept ambiguities and contradictions and to perceive different perspectives as enriching.

Impact on the team:

  • Better management of uncertainties, crises and ambiguities
  • Using the innovative power of the entire group
  • Expansion of possible solution spaces

Our book:
Resonance within companies

Human relationships as a key to
sustainable change (in German)