& friends

We are a consulting boutique from Berlin. We bring resonance to organizations.


is the decisive success factor in an organization's ability to continously change.

Team around the table.

Holistic Transformation & Strategy Consulting

Resonance as a basis for successful  transformation

Organizational & Team Development

High performing teams and organizations through resonance

Culture & Leadership

A new organizational and leadership culture based on resonance

Our consulting is different
so that companies
become different


Currently in focus

In December, we offer our first Resonance Manager Training in Berlin.
Participants learn how they can continuously strengthen resonance in their teams and organizations.

Articles on Resonance

Ideas and food for thought


Our book:
Resonance within companies

Human relationships as a key to
sustainable change (in German)

We work with the
very big and some
very small ones.

Whether it's a startup, a medium-sized company or a corporation, a publicly traded company or a non-profit organization: it is — or was — a pleasure for us to work with these customers.

Allianz, Alliuris, AXA Germany, Bayer, BetterPlaceLab, Federal Wind Energy Association, Charité, Clearstream Banking Luxembourg, Deutsche Arzt AG, Deutsche Börse, German Society for International Cooperation (GIZ), Deutsche Post, Deutsche Telekom, Donner & Reuschel Privatbank, Dow Chemicals, dsm-firmenich, ECE Project Management, EKD Evangelical Church Germany, EY Ernst & Young, Germanischer Lloyd (DNV-GL), Heidelberger Druckmaschinen, Mercedes Benz, Pfizer, RBH Logistics, Roche Pharma, ROLAND Rechtsschutz, SAP, Swiss Army, Toll Collect, UBS, Vogel-IT, WestLotto, WHU
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