This is us as a team

We bring people and organizations into resonance with a changing world

Dr. Torsten Breden

Torsten is the initiator of the resonance consulting approach and a forward thinker for innovation processes and living organizations. Already during his studies of Psychology, Philosophy and Art History he focused on the quality of human relationships. Torsten has acquired his consulting skills in major transformation projects for numerous international corporations. Based on this experience, his academic background and more than twenty years of practice in Japanese martial arts and Zen he has developed, piloted and introduced the resonance consulting approach.

He loves to scrutinize existing thinking patterns, to tread new paths and to release positive energy and enthusiasm in people. In addition to his consulting work, Torsten has been a frequent lecturer, speaker and author of numerous publications. With the foundation of fibonacci & friends he lives his dream of a new quality of consulting.


Portrait von Torsten Breden

Thorsten Bennts

Thorsten Bennts has over 20 years of corporate and management experience in IT. In his various management positions at Bayer AG, Thorsten has always been involved in organizational development — as a line manager for the operation of IT systems, as a business partner or in the context of overarching program organizations, such as the global introduction of SAP and digital IT workplaces.

In addition to his extensive practical experience, horsten has a wealth of methodological skills for the successful design of transformations with the involvement of employees. His passionate interest is in the development of people in a professional context. He sees the promotion of resonance and high performance in teams and organizations as the most important task in his role as a manager.

Thorsten is a relationship person and loves to spark enthusiasm for change and generate positive energies through a new relationship quality.


Michael Haupt

As a biochemist and industrial engineer, Michael feels like a wanderer between worlds. He has over 25 years of professional experience in the healthcare, media and life science industries, both nationally and internationally, as an expert as well as in leadership roles. He has worked in scientific laboratories, third party logistics and information technology. Michael's professional focus and competencies are primarily in human resources, team and organizational development, project management as well as coaching and mentoring.

Michael particularly enjoys using his rich methodological expertise to successfully design and implement transformations. Based on his diverse experience, he knows how important it is to create resonance in teams and companies. It crucially helps people to feel safe and to deal with ambiguity. Michael therefore loves creating the conditions for resonance and solving complex issues together as a team.


Ute Herbst

Ute is our doer in the background and has a firm grip on the calendars and finances at fibonacci & friends. She organizes, structures and controls our appointments and processes and supports us in projects and marketing. In doing so, she not only keeps an overview, but also her good mood. Ute is the right hand of the management and the heart of the team.

She co-founded Touba Peche, a sustainable fishing company in Senegal, and has 20 years of experience in office, content and project management as well as accounting and controlling.


Dr. Andreas Stiehler

Andreas is a trained farmer, banker and economist and has been analyzing technology markets and trends around Digital Workspace and New Work for almost 20 years. He loves to examine complex questions at the interface of business and IT and to scrutinize existing thought models. He has conducted numerous research and consulting projects on the management of knowledge workers, knowledge-intensive services and organizational models in agile environments.

For Andreas, the resonance approach is groundbreaking for New Work. He therefore supports the team of fibonacci & friends as an associate consultant in analyzing market trends and developing new business strategies.


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