Holistic Transformation and Strategy Consulting

Resonance as a basis for successful transformation

Human relationships as the key to transformation and change  

Our philosophy is simple: Human relationships are the key to transformation and change. Resonance is therefore the leitmotif of our consulting work. In addition to implementing strategic decisions, our focus is on creating the conditions for resonance. Resonance enables people and organizations to translate the increasing pressure to adapt into a constructive ability to change. This enables them to thrive in complex and dynamic environments.

Changing thinking and
changing things

Successful transformations require more than just changes in strategy or org design. With a holistic approach, we design, plan and manage transformations that not only change the external aspects of your organization, but also the way of thinking and interacting. Because changing organizations requires both a change of thinking and a change of things.

Integration of strategy and cultural transformation

In our transformation design, we integrate work on strategic topics with work on organizational culture. As part of our change management, we question mental models, introduce new social practices and deepen the quality of interpersonal relationships at all levels of the organization.

Resonance as key to success in change management

In communication and change management, we strive to strengthen  resonance between all stakeholders. Key players are specifically coached to actively shape the transformation process and ensure that the desired changes are implemented effectively.

Emergent strategy development and purpose-orientation

We design strategies and business models in an emergent process with a clear focus on the purpose of your organization. The entire organization is involved in the development of a shared sense of purpose. In the process, we develop the necessary mental models to implement the new strategy. The aim is to increase intrinsic motivation and self-efficacy and to establish new leadership and working practices. In this way, we create the conditions for an organization that can continuously adapt itself.

Resonance transformation for your company

Contact us to successfully transform your business with us.

More Consulting Areas

Organizational & Team Development

High performing teams and organizations through resonance

Cultural & Leadership development

A new organizational and leadership culture based on resonance

Our book:
Resonance within companies

Human relationships as a key to
sustainable change (in German)